There is a large number of research papers and standards dedicated to security for outsourced data. Yet, most papers propose new controls to access and protect the data rather tha...
Recently, administration of RBAC systems using a role-based approach has become very appealing because of the benefits that such an approach typically brings. This approach uses R...
An obfuscation aims to transform a program, without affecting its functionality, so that some secret data within the program can be hidden for as long as possible from an adversar...
Anirban Majumdar, Stephen Drape, Clark D. Thombors...
This paper introduces a mathematical model, called Team Edit Automata, for evaluating software security properties. We use the model to describe security properties and their corr...
CardSpace (formerly known as InfoCard) is a Digital Identity Management system that has recently been adopted by Microsoft. In this paper we identify two security flaws in CardSp...
: Achieving privacy preservation in a data-sharing computing environment is becoming a challenging problem. Some organisations may have published privacy policies, which promise pr...
Prevention, not reaction, is normally recognized as one of the best defense strategy against malicious hackers or attackers. The desire of deploying better prevention mechanism mo...
Do-Hoon Kim, Taek Lee, Sung-Oh David Jung, Hoh Pet...