Web Services have experienced great interest during the last years as they were expected to play a key role as enablers of seamless application-to-application integration both wit...
Many real-life organizations are hierarchies of largely autonomous, heterogeneous members (individuals or other organizations), often exhibiting rich policies. We restrict our att...
A service-oriented architecture (SOA) promises a more flexible intra- and interorganizational integration of heterogeneous application systems. The central design element of a SOA...
—This paper presents a framework used for analyzing decisions regarding implementations of service oriented architectures. The framework assesses the business value of SOA by mea...
This dissertation contributes to the services science discipline by examining appropriateness of Language-Action Perspective (LAP) as a theoretical framework for web services, the ...
Service discovery has been recognised as an important aspect of service oriented computing. This is even more the case when developing service centric systems in which software sy...
— Integrated systems are composed of components that exchange information (i.e., interoperate [5]). These components include Graphical User Interface (GUI) APplications (GAPs) an...
Context awareness has emerged as an important element in distributed computing. It offers mechanisms allowing applications to be aware of their environment and enabling them to ad...
Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Fano Ramparany,...