: Despite the growing interest in Interactive Storytelling (IS), there have been only a small number of implemented demonstrators and few have attempted at developing a re-usable I...
: This chapter presents the problematic of the distributed systems supervision through a comprehensive state-of-the-art. Issues are illustrated with a case study about an innovativ...
: AIRBUS and ONERA used the AltaRica formal language and associated tools to perform safety assessments. Lessons learnt during the study of an electrical and hydraulic system are p...
Pierre Bieber, Christian Bougnol, Charles Castel, ...
: Speech recognition is always looked upon as a fascinating field in human computer interaction. It is one of the fundamental steps towards understanding human cognition and their ...
: The Mediator EnvirOnment for Multiple Information Sources (MOMIS) aims at constructing synthesized, integrated descriptions of the information coming from multiple heterogeneous ...
: This paper gives the main definitions relating to dependability, a generic concept including as special case such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, confidentiality...
Algirdas Avizienis, Jean-Claude Laprie, Brian Rand...
: Constructing a certification path is the mainly method of validating a certificate at given time. The established path will consist of all the valid certificates that reside betw...