
13 years 11 months ago
Hierarchical State Machines
Hierarchical state machines are finite state machines whose states themselves can be other machines. In spite of their popularity in many modeling tools for software design, very l...
Mihalis Yannakakis
13 years 11 months ago
List Decoding: Algorithms and Applications
Over the years coding theory and complexity theory have benefited from a number of mutually enriching connections. This article focuses on a new connection that has emerged betwee...
Madhu Sudan
13 years 11 months ago
An Index for Two Dimensional String Matching Allowing Rotations
We present an index to search a two-dimensional pattern of size m m in a two-dimensional text of size n n, even when the pattern appears rotated in the text. The index is based on ...
Kimmo Fredriksson, Gonzalo Navarro, Esko Ukkonen
13 years 11 months ago
Ambient Groups and Mobility Types
Abstract. We add name groups and group creation to the typed ambient calculus. Group creation is surprisingly interesting: it has the e ect of statically preventing certain communi...
Luca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli, Andrew D. Gordon
13 years 11 months ago
Real-Time Language Recognition by Alternating Cellular Automata
The capabilities of alternating cellular automata (ACA) to accept formal languages are investigated. Several notions of alternation in cellular automata have been proposed. Here we...
Thomas Buchholz, Andreas Klein, Martin Kutrib
13 years 11 months ago
Open Ended Systems, Dynamic Bisimulation and Tile Logic
Abstract The sos formats ensuring that bisimilarity is a congruence often fail in the presence of structural axioms on the algebra of states. Dynamic bisimulation, introduced to ch...
Roberto Bruni, Ugo Montanari, Vladimiro Sassone
13 years 11 months ago
An Asynchronous, Distributed Implementation of Mobile Ambients
Abstract We present a first distributed implementation of the CardelliGordon's ambient calculus. We use Jocaml as an implementation language and we present a formal translatio...
Cédric Fournet, Jean-Jacques Lévy, A...
13 years 11 months ago
Masaccio: A Formal Model for Embedded Components
Masaccio is a formal model for hybrid dynamical systems which are built from atomic discrete components (di erence equations) and atomic continuous components (di erential equation...
Thomas A. Henzinger