

An Index for Two Dimensional String Matching Allowing Rotations

14 years 5 months ago
An Index for Two Dimensional String Matching Allowing Rotations
We present an index to search a two-dimensional pattern of size m m in a two-dimensional text of size n n, even when the pattern appears rotated in the text. The index is based on (path compressed) tries. By using O(n2 ) (i.e. linear) space the index can search the pattern in O((log n)5=2 ) time on average, where is the alphabet size. We also consider various schemes for approximate matching, for which we obtain either O(polylog n) or O(n2 ) search time, where < 1 in most useful cases. A larger index of size O(n2 (log n)3=2 ) yields an average time of O(log n) for the simplest matching model. The algorithms have applications e.g. in content based information retrieval from image databases.
Kimmo Fredriksson, Gonzalo Navarro, Esko Ukkonen
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Kimmo Fredriksson, Gonzalo Navarro, Esko Ukkonen
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