In this article we show that every group with a finite presentation satisfying one or both of the small cancellation conditions C (1/6) and C (1/4) − T (4) has the property that...
There exist two well-known quotients of the position automaton of a regular expression. The first one, called the equation automaton, has first been introduced by Mirkin from th...
A base of the free alternative superalgebra on one odd generator is constructed. As a corollary, a base of the alternative Grassmann algebra is given. We also find a new element ...
Abstract. We say the endomorphism problem is solvable for an element W in a free group F if it can be decided effectively whether, given U in F , there is an endomorphism φ of F ...
In this paper we produce a finite algebra which generates a variety with a PSPACE-complete membership problem. We produce another finite algebra with a γ function that grows exp...
Let K x, y be the free associative algebra of rank 2 over an algebraically closed constructive field of any characteristic. We present an algorithm which decides whether or not tw...