We recall the basic idea of an algebraic approach to learning Bayesian network (BN) structures, namely to represent every BN structure by a certain (uniquely determined) vector, c...
Probabilistic Decision Graphs (PDGs) are a class of graphical models that can naturally encode some context specific independencies that cannot always be efficiently captured by...
The logical and algorithmic properties of stable conditional independence (CI) as an alternative structural representation of conditional independence information are investigated...
Geospatial Reasoning has been an essential aspect of military planning since the invention of cartography. Although maps have always been a focal point for developing situational ...
Kathryn B. Laskey, Edward J. Wright, Paulo Cesar G...
We consider the problem of learning Bayesian network models in a non-informative setting, where the only available information is a set of observational data, and no background kn...
Granular Computing is an emerging conceptual and computing paradigm of information processing. A central notion is an information-processing pyramid with different levels of clari...
Credal nets generalize Bayesian nets by relaxing the requirement of precision of probabilities. Credal nets are considerably more expressive than Bayesian nets, but this makes bel...
Alessandro Antonucci, Yi Sun, Cassio P. de Campos,...
Frameworks for cooperative multiagent decision making may be divided into those where each agent is assigned a single variable (SVFs) and those where each agent carries an interna...