
115views more  IJDMB 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Cocluster analysis of thalamo-cortical fibre tracts extracted from diffusion tensor MRI
: As the central relay station of the human brain, the thalamus modulates sensory signals to and from the cerebral cortex. The reciprocal connectivity between the cerebral cortex a...
Cui Lin, Shiyong Lu, Xuwei Liang, Jing Hua, Otto M...
128views more  IJDMB 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Protein homology detection with biologically inspired features and interpretable statistical models
: Computational classification of proteins using methods such as string kernels and Fisher-SVM has demonstrated great success. However, the resulting models do not offer an immedia...
Pai-Hsi Huang, Vladimir Pavlovic
117views more  IJDMB 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Scoring and summarising gene product clusters using the Gene Ontology
: We propose an approach for quantifying the biological relatedness between gene products, based on their properties, and measure their similarities using exclusively statistical N...
Spiridon C. Denaxas, Christos Tjortjis
132views more  IJDMB 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
A Bayesian framework for knowledge driven regression model in micro-array data analysis
: This paper addresses the sparse data problem in the linear regression model, namely the number of variables is significantly larger than the number of the data points for regress...
Rong Jin, Luo Si, Christina Chan
60views more  IJDMB 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
A rule-based approach for RNA pseudoknot prediction
Xuezheng Fu, Hao Wang, Robert W. Harrison, William...
105views more  IJDMB 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Temporal representation for gene networks: towards a qualitative temporal data mining
: Recently lots of studies aim at modeling and inferring gene networks. Modeling tools propose graphical models having almost nothing about time description of events and regards t...
Nicolas Turenne, Sylviane R. Schwer