
63views more  IJEB 2006»
14 years 13 days ago
An analysis and comparison of web development between local governments and SMEs in Spain
: The internet has emerged as a key channel for both firms and governments. E-government programmes are diverse, and difficult to assess and compare with e-business initiatives. Th...
Pedro Soto-Acosta, Angel L. Merono-Cerdan
77views more  IJEB 2006»
14 years 13 days ago
Refinery of an internet-based search tool: exploring perceptions from information systems practitioners
: In today's dynamic business environment, the capability to understand the needs and responses of stakeholders is critical, as such management can devise effective plans and ...
Michael Chau, Ivy Chan
73views more  IJEB 2006»
14 years 13 days ago
Broadband diffusion dynamics: a systemic analysis
: The paper analyses broadband diffusion from a multitude of angles. The main objective of the analysis is thus to investigate the reasons behind an adoption delay present in certa...
Enrico Ferro