

Refinery of an internet-based search tool: exploring perceptions from information systems practitioners

14 years 3 months ago
Refinery of an internet-based search tool: exploring perceptions from information systems practitioners
: In today's dynamic business environment, the capability to understand the needs and responses of stakeholders is critical, as such management can devise effective plans and course of actions for long-term strategies. The advancement of the internet and its related search tools, such as Google, has helped management to collect various information in order to keep abreast of time of business environment and their business communities. Yet, the management has encountered problem and uncertainty on the information quality such as content, currency, accuracy and presentation for decision making. Therefore, a new backlink search tool, namely, Redips was developed to serve such purpose. This tool has been tested by student subjects and received satisfactory feedback with its usefulness and functionality. However, in order to gain acceptance from the management (i.e., the end-users), the perceptions and expectations on the tool should not be overlooked. This study presents a wide range ...
Michael Chau, Ivy Chan
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IJEB
Authors Michael Chau, Ivy Chan
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