Recent progress in per-pixel object class labeling of natural images can be attributed to the use of multiple types of image features and sound statistical learning approaches. Wit...
We present spatio-temporal feature descriptors that can be inferred from video and used as building blocks in action recognition systems. They capture the evolution of ``elementar...
In this paper, a novel and efficient automatic image categorization system is proposed. This system integrates the MIL-based and global-featurebased SVMs for categorization. The IP...
Salient points are locations in an image where there is a significant variation with respect to a chosen image feature. Since the set of salient points in an image capture import...
Hui Zhang, Rouhollah Rahmani, Sharath R. Cholleti,...
— This paper presents a framework for 3D vision based bearing only SLAM using a single camera, an interesting setup for many real applications due to its low cost. The focus in i...
Patric Jensfelt, Danica Kragic, John Folkesson, M&...
The vast majority of the features used in today’s commercially deployed image search systems employ techniques that are largely indistinguishable from text-document search – t...
This paper proposes the use of genetic algorithm to select an optimal feature set for distinguishing computer graphics from digital photographic images. Our previously developed a...
Counting (identical) objects in images is a simple yet fundamental recognition task that requires exhaustive human effort. Automation of this task would reduce the human load sign...
Takumi Kobayashi, Tadaaki Hosaka, Shu Mimura, Taka...
We propose a method that rates the suitability of given templates for template-based tracking in real-time. This is important for applications with online template selection, such...
A novel automatic image annotation system is proposed, which integrates two sets of SVMs (Support Vector Machines), namely the MIL-based (Multiple Instance Learning) and global-fe...