Interest point detection has a wide range of applications, such as image retrieval and object recognition. Given an image, many previous interest point detectors first assign inte...
When space points and camera optical center lie on a twisted cubic, no matter how many pairs there are used from the space points to their image points, camera parameters cannot b...
Suppose two perspective views of four world points are given and that the intrinsic parameters are known but the camera poses and the world point positions are not. We prove that t...
—This paper presents a method to find salient image points in images with regular patterns based on deviations from the overall manifold structure. The two main contributions ar...
The critical configurations for projective reconstruction from three views are discussed. A set of cameras and points is said to be critical if the projected image points are insu...
In this paper two new feature tracking algorithms are proposed. In the first algorithm, a perspective camera model is used. Making use of the projective inuariant of Barrett, and ...
Stereo correspondence is hard because di erent image features can look alike. We propose a measure for the ambiguity of image points that allows matching distinctive points rst an...
In this work we recover the 3D shape of mirroring objects such as mirrors, sunglasses, and stainless steel objects. A computer monitor displays several images of parallel stripes,...
Stas Rozenfeld, Ilan Shimshoni, Michael Lindenbaum
Suppose that two perspective views of four world points are given, that the intrinsic parameters are known, but the camera poses and the world point positions are not. We prove tha...
In this paper we develop a theory of non-parametric self-calibration. Recently, schemes have been devised for non-parametric laboratory calibration, but not for selfcalibration. W...