A new color quantization (CQ) technique and its VLSI implementation is introduced. It is based on image split into windows and uses Kohonen Self Organized Neural Network Classifie...
We propose a new multiple description method for wavelet transform coded images. The partitioning of the coefficients at the encoder is combined with concealment at the decoder to...
A. C. Ashwin, K. R. Ramakrishnan, S. H. Srinivasan
We propose a novel multiresolution-multigrid based signal reconstruction method from arbitrarily spaced samples. The signal is reconstructed on a uniform grid using B-splines basi...
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a fast automated whitenoise estimation method which gives reliable estimates in images with smooth and textured areas. This method is a b...
Recent interest in region based image coding has given rise to graph coloring based partition encoding methods. These methods are based on the four color theorem for planar graphs...