We present a new incremental algorithm for constructing the union of n triangles in the plane. In our experiments, the new algorithm, which we call the Disjoint-Cover (DC) algorit...
In this paper, we extend the conventional vector quantization by incorporating a vigilance parameter, which steers the tradeoff between plasticity and stability during incremental...
The present study aims at insights into the nature of incremental learning in the context of Gold’s model of identification in the limit. With a focus on natural requirements s...
In this paper we propose a new probability update rule and sampling procedure for population-based incremental learning. These proposed methods are based on the concept of opposit...
The incremental updating of classifiers implies that their internal parameter values can vary according to incoming data. As a result, in order to achieve high performance, incre...
Incremental physical design is an important methodology towards achieving design closure for high-performance large-scale circuits. Placement tools must accommodate incremental ch...
The goal of incremental cryptography is to design cryptographic algorithms with the property that having applied the algorithm to a document, it is possible to quickly update the ...
We present a new incremental algorithm for the problem of maintaining the dominator tree of a reducible flowgraph as the flowgraph undergoes changes such as the insertion and dele...
A major research goal for compilers and environments is the automatic derivation of tools from formal specifications. However, the formal model of the language is often inadequat...
Over the past decade, the steady growth rate of FPGA device capacities has enabled the development of multi-FPGA prototyping environments capable of implementing millions of logic...