—MAC layer random network coding (MRNC) was proposed in [1] as an alternative to HARQ for reliable data transmission in WiMAX unicast. It has been shown that MRNC achieves a high...
Abstract—Mobile TV networks have received significant attention from the industry and academia, as they have already been deployed in several countries and their expected market...
—Measurement of available bandwidth in a network has always been a topic of great interest. This knowledge can be applied to a wide variety of applications and can be instrumenta...
Dhruv Gupta, Di Wu, Prasant Mohapatra, Chen-Nee Ch...
—There has been significant recent interest in covert communication using timing channels. In network timing channels, information is leaked by controlling the time between tran...
Sarah H. Sellke, Chih-Chun Wang, Saurabh Bagchi, N...
Abstract—Detecting the occurrence and location of performance anomalies (e.g., high jitter or loss events) is critical to ensuring the effective operation of network infrastructu...
Paul Barford, Nick G. Duffield, Amos Ron, Joel Som...
—We study throughput-optimal scheduling/routing over mobile ad-hoc networks with time-varying (fading) channels. Traditional back-pressure algorithms (based on the work by Tassiu...
—As the service requirements of network applications shift from high throughput to high media quality, interactivity, and responsiveness, the definition of QoE (Quality of Exper...
—This paper proposes a VIrtual Scanning Algorithm (VISA), tailored and optimized for road network surveillance. Our design uniquely leverages upon the facts that (i) the movement...
Abstract—We investigate optimal resource allocation for delaylimited cooperative communication in time varying wireless networks. Motivated by real-time applications that have st...