—In this paper, we present Novasky, a real-world Video-on-Demand (VoD) system capable of delivering cinematicquality video streams to end users. The foundation of the Novasky des...
Fangming Liu, Shijun Shen, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hao ...
—This paper investigates throughput and delay based on a newly predominant traffic pattern, called converge-cast, where each of the n nodes in the network act as a destination w...
—We explore distributed mechanisms for maintaining the physical layer connectivity of a mobile wireless network while still permitting significant area coverage. Moreover, we re...
Joshua Reich, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, Gil Zu...
—This paper presents a scheme in which a dedicated backup network is designed to provide protection from random link failures. Upon a link failure in the primary network, traffi...
—We analyze a comprehensive model for multi-class job scheduling accounting for user abandonment, with the objective of minimizing the total discounted or time-average sum of lin...
—The main approaches to high speed measurement in routers are traffic sampling, and sketching. However, it is not known which paradigm is inherently better at extracting informa...
—In this paper, we address a new unexplored problem - what are the optimal patterns to achieve connected coverage in wireless networks with directional antennas. As their name im...
Zuoming Yu, Jin Teng, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan, Weiji...
—Generating a shared key between two parties from the wireless channel is of increasing interest. The procedure for obtaining information from wireless channel is called channel ...
—The multiple-access framework of ZigZag decoding [1] is a useful technique for combating interference via multiple repeated transmissions, and is known to be compatible with dis...
Arash Saber Tehrani, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Michae...
—A practical protocol jointly considering PHY and MAC for MIMO based concurrent transmissions in wireless ad hoc networks, called Contrabass, is presented. Concurrent transmissio...
Sungro Yoon, Injong Rhee, Bang Chul Jung, Babak Da...