Abstract—Triangulation serves as the basis for many geometrybased algorithms in wireless sensor networks. In this paper we propose a distributed algorithm that produces a triangu...
Hongyu Zhou, Hongyi Wu, Su Xia, Miao Jin, Ning Din...
—Epidemic models based on nonlinear differential equations have been extensively applied in a variety of systems as diverse as infectious outbreaks, marketing, diffusion of belie...
Abstract—Secondary spectrum access is emerging as a promising approach for mitigating the spectrum scarcity in wireless networks. Coordinated spectrum access for secondary users ...
Abstract—With the growing deployment of wireless communication technologies, radio spectrum is becoming a scarce resource. Thus mechanisms to efficiently allocate the available ...
—A critical function of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is data gathering. While, one is often only interested in collecting a relevant function of the sensor measurements at a s...
Abstract – There is a growing interest in physical layer security. Recent work has demonstrated that wireless devices can generate a shared secret key by exploiting variations in...
Abstract—Several recently proposed multicast protocols use inpacket Bloom filters to encode multicast trees. These mechanisms are in principle highly scalable because no per-fl...
—Modern networks are complex and hence, network operators often rely on automation to assist in assuring the security, availability, and performance of these networks. At the cor...
Kaustubh Nyalkalkar, Sushant Sinha, Michael Bailey...
Abstract—We consider the problem of jointly optimizing channel pairing, channel-user assignment, and power allocation in a single-relay multiple-access system. The optimization o...