A set of input vectors S is conclusive if correct functionality for all input vectors is implied by correct functionality over vectors in S. We consider four functionalities of co...
Recently, quite a few papers studied methods for representing network properties by assigning informative labels to the vertices of a network. Consulting the labels given to any t...
The focus of the present paper is on providing a local deterministic algorithm for colouring the edges of Yao-like subgraphs of Unit Disc Graphs. These are geometric graphs such t...
Jurek Czyzowicz, Stefan Dobrev, Evangelos Kranakis...
We present the first location oblivious distributed unit disk graph coloring algorithm having a provable performance ratio of three (i.e. the number of colors used by the algorit...
Mathieu Couture, Michel Barbeau, Prosenjit Bose, P...
This paper studies the problem of broadcasting in synchronous point-to-point networks, where one initiator owns a piece of information that has to be transmitted to all other verti...
We consider the problem of periodic exploration of all nodes in undirected graphs by using a nite state automaton called later a robot. The robot, using a constant number of state...
Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing, Russell A. Martin,...
The goal of IT governance is not only to achieve internal efficiency in an IT organization, but also to support IT's role as a business enabler. The latter is here denoted IT ...
This paper presents an executable semantics of OO models. We made it possible to conduct both simulation and theorem proving on the semantics by implementing its underlying heap me...