Abstract. In this paper we report on a series of experiments investigating the path from text summarisation to style-specific summarisation of spoken news stories. We show that the...
In the novelty task on sentence level, the amount of information used in similarity computation is the major challenging issue. A shallow NLP approach extracts noun and verb featu...
We investigate possible assessment trends and inconsistencies within the collected relevance assessments of the INEX'02 test collection in order to provide a critical analysis...
Abstract. There is a common availability of classification terms in online text collections and digital libraries, such as manually assigned keywords or key-phrases from a controll...
A medium-scale user study was carried out to investigate the usability of a concept-based query expansion support tool. The tool was fully integrated into the interface of an IR sy...
We simulate different architectures of a distributed Information Retrieval system on a very large Web collection, in order to work out the optimal setting for a particular set of r...
Abstract. Question answering systems aim to meet users' information needs by returning exact answers in response to a question. Traditional open domain question answering syst...
Abstract. This paper describes a novel interaction technique to support content-based image search in large image collections. The idea is to represent each image as a vertex in a ...
This paper introduces a new approach to add fault-tolerance to a fulltext retrieval system. The weighted pattern morphing technique circumvents some of the disadvantages of the wid...