In [Dij74] Dijkstra introduced the notion of self-stabilizing algorithms and presented an algorithm with three states for the problem of mutual exclusion on a ring of processors. ...
Abstract. We consider a fixed, undirected, known network and a number of "mobile agents" which can traverse the network in synchronized steps. Some nodes in the network m...
Abstract. Consider a system composed of n sensors operating in synchronous rounds. In each round an input vector of sensor readings x is produced, where the i-th entry of x is a bi...
Florent Becker, Sergio Rajsbaum, Ivan Rapaport, Er...
Consider a synchronized distributed system where each node can only observe the state of its neighbors. Such a system is called selfstabilizing if it reaches a stable global state ...
We study deterministic broadcasting in radio networks in the recently introduced framework of network algorithms with advice. We concentrate on the problem of trade-offs between t...
We consider the problem of computing -approximate Nash equilibria in network congestion games. The general problem is known to be PLS-complete for every > 0, but the reductions...
The augmented graph model, as introduced by Kleinberg (STOC 2000), is an appealing model for analyzing navigability in social networks. Informally, this model is defined by a pair...
In the effort to understand the algorithmic limitations of computing by a swarm of robots, the research has focused on the minimal capabilities that allow a problem to be solved. ...
Paola Flocchini, David Ilcinkas, Andrzej Pelc, Nic...
We study communication in known topology radio networks with the presence of interference constraints. We consider a real-world situation, when a transmission of a node produces an...
: A distributed system is scalable if the rate at which it completes its computation and communication tasks does not depend on its size. As an example, the scalability of a peer-t...