Web services are becoming an important enabler of the Semantic Web. Besides the need for a rich description mechanism, Web Service information should be made available in an acces...
In software development, many kinds of knowledge are shared and reused as software patterns. Howevel; the relation analysis among software by hand is on the large scale. In this w...
Abstract: Evidence of some attacks can be manifested by abnormal sequences of system calls of programs. Most approaches that have been developed so far mainly concentrate on some p...
Jidong Long, Daniel G. Schwartz, Sara Stoecklin, M...
The paper mainly discusses the DRM-enabled learning object model. Firstly, it analyses the art-of-status of Intellectual Property Rights in e-learning. Secondly, according to appl...
Qingtang Liu, Zongkai Yang, Kun Yan, Jing Jin, Wan...
M-commerce has shown up as e-commerce in mobile and wireless communication, and now deals with on-line banking, stock trading, auctions, transactions, and mobile media. M-commerce...
In this paper, we propose a new Ontology-enabled Service Oriented Architecture (OSOA) for Pervasive Computing that is built on Web Services architecture, and incorporates Universa...
In this paper we propose the double auction allocation model for grids, and three double auction protocols for resource allocation: Preston-McAfee Double Auction Protocol (PMDA), ...