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Fusion is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of techniques for program derivation. Less well-known, but equally valuable is type fusion, which states conditions for fusing an app...
We investigate the reasons for which the existence of certain right adjoints implies the existence of some final coalgebras, and vice-versa. In particular we prove and discuss the...
Every endofunctor F of Set has an initial algebra and a final coalgebra, but they are classes in general. Consequently, the endofunctor F of the category of classes that F induces...
Abstract For finitary set functors preserving inverse images several concepts of coalgebras A are proved to be equivalent: (i) A has a homomorphism into the initial algebra, (ii) ...
A new construction of a finite set of strictness properties for any lazy algebraic datatype is presented. The construction is based on the categorical view of the solutions to the...