

Recursive coalgebras of finitary functors

14 years 2 months ago
Recursive coalgebras of finitary functors
Abstract For finitary set functors preserving inverse images several concepts of coalgebras A are proved to be equivalent: (i) A has a homomorphism into the initial algebra, (ii) A is recursive, i.e., A has a unique coalgebra-to-algebra morphism into any algebra, and (iii) A is parametrically recursive. And all these properties mean that the system described by A always halts in finitely many steps.
Jirí Adámek, Dominik Lücke, Ste
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where ITA
Authors Jirí Adámek, Dominik Lücke, Stefan Milius
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