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The utility of limited feedback for coding over an individual sequence of DMCs is investigated. This study complements recent results showing how limited or noisy feedback can boos...
Krishnan Eswaran, Anand D. Sarwate, Anant Sahai, M...
We investigate ways in which an algorithm can improve its expected performance by fine-tuning itself automatically with respect to an arbitrary, unknown input distribution. We gi...
Nir Ailon, Bernard Chazelle, Kenneth L. Clarkson, ...
The deletion channel is the simplest point-to-point communication channel that models lack of synchronization. Input bits are deleted independently with probability d, and when th...
Consider the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) of estimating an arbitrary random variable from its observation contaminated by Gaussian noise. The MMSE can be regarded as a function...
The ability to grow extra nodes is a potentially useful facility for a self-organising neural network. A network that can add nodes into its map space can approximate the input sp...
Stephen Marsland, Jonathan Shapiro, Ulrich Nehmzow
We study the problem of two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation in the self-improving algorithms model [1]. We assume that the n points of the input each come from an independent, ...
— Discrete input distributions are capacity-achieving for a variety of noise distributions whenever the input is subject to peak power or other bounding constraints. In this pape...