Correct transformations and integrations of schemata within the process of federated database design have to encompass existing local integrity constraints. Most of the proposed me...
The aim of this work is the design of a framework for the revision of knowledge in abductive reasoning agents, based on interaction. We address issues such as: how to exploit knowl...
While specification languages for integrity constraints for XML data have been considered in the literature, actual technologies and methodologies for checking and maintaining in...
A Data Warehouse (DW) is a data repository that integrates data from multiple sources and organizes the data according to a set of data structures called dimensions. Each dimension...
We consider incomplete specifications of XML documents in the presence of schema information and integrity constraints. We show that integrity constraints such as keys and foreign ...
We identify established tableaux techniques as an invaluable tool for semantic knowledge acquisition in the design process of relational databases. Sample databases allow users an...
: Integrity checking is aimed at determining whether an operation execution violates a given integrity constraint. To perform this computation efficiently, several incremental meth...
We propose a new method for integrity checking in deductive databases.The methodaugmentsadatabasewith asetof transition and internal eventsrules,which explicitly definetheinsertio...
— Constraints play an important role in the efficient query evaluation in deductive databases. In this paper, constraint-based query evaluation in deductive databases is investi...
In [23] we presented a partial evaluation scheme for a “real life” subset of Prolog, containing first-order built-in’s, simple side-effects and the operational predicate i...