
260views more  JKM 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
A scientometric analysis of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic literature (1994-2008)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to conduct a scientometric analysis of the body of literature contained in 11 major knowledge management and intellectual capital (KM/IC) ...
Alexander Serenko, Nick Bontis, Lorne Booker, Khal...
68views more  IJKL 2007»
14 years 23 days ago
Modelling the creation of value from intellectual capital: a Portuguese banking perspective
: Despite the widely recognised importance of intellectual capital as a vital source of competitive advantage, there is still little understanding of how organisations actually com...
Maria do Rosário Cabrita, Jorge Landeiro De...
14 years 2 months ago
Beyond Knowledge Management - Introducing a framework for Learning Management Systems
In the knowledge economy, a firm's intellectual capital represents the only sustainable source of competitive advantage. Intellectual capital manifests itself, predominantly,...
Audrey Dunne, Tom Butler
14 years 4 months ago
The Relative Importance of Aspects of Intellectual Capital for Software Companies
Intellectual capital (IC) is both the key input and tool used in the development of software today. It covers the value provided to an organisation by the employees, the processes...
Sebastian Barney, Aybüke Aurum, Claes Wohlin