Intelligent non-player characters that exhibit realistic ambient behaviors produce more captivating and immersive stories for the player. However, the creation of nonrepetitive an...
Maria Cutumisu, Duane Szafron, Jonathan Schaeffer,...
Research has shown promise in the design of large scale common sense probabilistic models to infer human state from environmental sensor data. These models have made use of mined ...
William Pentney, Matthai Philipose, Jeff A. Bilmes
Wrapper is a traditional method to extract useful information from Web pages. Most previous works rely on the similarity between HTML tag trees and induced template-dependent wrap...
One way to solve the knowledge acquisition bottleneck is to have ways to translate natural language sentences and discourses to a formal knowledge representation language, especia...
We present a breadth-first search algorithm, two-bit breadthfirst search (TBBFS), which requires only two bits for each state in the problem space. TBBFS can be parallelized in se...
Graphical games capture some of the key aspects relevant to the study and design of multi-agent systems. It is often of interest to find the conditions under which a game is stab...
Bistra N. Dilkina, Carla P. Gomes, Ashish Sabharwa...
Our research is motivated by the observation that NLP systems frequently mislabel passive voice verb phrases as being in the active voice when there is no auxiliary verb (e.g., &q...