
14 years 12 hour ago
Knowledge Compilation Properties of Tree-of-BDDs
We present a CNF to Tree-of-BDDs (ToB) compiler with complexity at most exponential in the tree width. We then present algorithms for interesting queries on ToB. Although some of ...
Sathiamoorthy Subbarayan, Lucas Bordeaux, Youssef ...
14 years 12 hour ago
Approximability of Manipulating Elections
In this paper, we set up a framework to study approximation of manipulation, control, and bribery in elections. We show existence of approximation algorithms (even fully polynomia...
Eric Brelsford, Piotr Faliszewski, Edith Hemaspaan...
14 years 12 hour ago
Purely Epistemic Markov Decision Processes
Planning under uncertainty involves two distinct sources of uncertainty: uncertainty about the effects of actions and uncertainty about the current state of the world. The most wi...
Régis Sabbadin, Jérôme Lang, N...
14 years 12 hour ago
Turning Web Text and Search Queries into Factual Knowledge: Hierarchical Class Attribute Extraction
A seed-based framework for textual information extraction allows for weakly supervised acquisition of open-domain class attributes over conceptual hierarchies, from a combination ...
Marius Pasca
14 years 12 hour ago
Mining Translations of Web Queries from Web Click-through Data
Query translation for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) has gained increasing attention in the research area. Previous work mainly used machine translation systems, bilin...
Rong Hu, Weizhu Chen, Jian Hu, Yansheng Lu, Zheng ...
14 years 12 hour ago
Anytime Optimal Coalition Structure Generation
A key problem when forming effective coalitions of autonomous agents is determining the best groupings, or the optimal coalition structure, to select to achieve some goal. To this...
Talal Rahwan, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Viet Dung Dan...
14 years 12 hour ago
Economic Hierarchical Q-Learning
Hierarchical state decompositions address the curse-ofdimensionality in Q-learning methods for reinforcement learning (RL) but can suffer from suboptimality. In addressing this, w...
Erik G. Schultink, Ruggiero Cavallo, David C. Park...
14 years 12 hour ago
Description Logics for Multi-Issue Bilateral Negotiation with Incomplete Information
We propose a framework for multi-issue bilateral negotiation, where issues are expressed and related to each other via Description Logics. Agents’ goals are expressed through (c...
Azzurra Ragone, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciasc...
14 years 12 hour ago
Minimal Mental Models
Agents must form and update mental models about each other in a wide range of domains: team coordination, plan recognition, social simulation, user modeling, games of incomplete i...
David V. Pynadath, Stacy Marsella