We investigate transfer of interpolation in such combinations of modal logic which lead to interaction of the modalities. Combining logics by taking products often blocks transfer...
A general method for near-best approximations to functionals on Rd, using scattered-data information is discussed. The method is actually the moving least-squares method, presented...
espace interpolation algorithm abstracts motion sequences as 1D signals, and interpolates between them to create higher dimension signals, with weights drawn from a user specified...
A simple algorithm for surface interpolation is proposed. Its central idea is quadratic interpolation of a curved segment from the position and normal vectors at the end points, w...
The challenge of image interpolation is to preserve spatial details. We propose a soft-decision interpolation technique that estimates missing pixels in groups rather than one at a...
In this paper we analyze and analytically describe the specific statistical changes brought into the covariance structure of signal by the interpolation process. We show that inter...
We present a number of, somewhat unusual, ways of describing what Craig's interpolation theorem achieves, and use them to identify some open problems and further directions. K...
We consider derivative free methods based on sampling approaches for nonlinear optimization problems where derivatives of the objective function are not available and cannot be dir...
In practical applications of area-to-point spatial interpolation, inequality constraints, such as non-negativity, or more general constraints on the maximum and/or minimum allowab...
Developing suitable interpolation methods to simulate dynamic motions of continuous materials such as fluids is an important problem. In this paper, we propose a novel method to e...