Interactive Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR), a process in which searcher and system collaborate to find documents that satisfy an information need regardless of the la...
We demonstrate effective new methods of document ranking based on lexical cohesive relationships between query terms. The proposed methods rely solely on the lexical relationships...
Categorized overviews of web search results are a promising way to support user exploration, understanding, and discovery. These search interfaces combine a metadata-based overvie...
Forty-eight years ago Maron and Kuhns published their paper, ``On Relevance, Probabilistic Indexing and Information Retrieval" (1960). This was the first paper to present a p...
ct 8 In this paper, a new robust relevance model is proposed that can be applied to both pseudo and true relevance feedback 9 in the language-modeling framework for document retrie...
by studying lawyers, analyse information-seeking at a high level of abstraction and are only likely to lead to broad-scoped design insights. We illustrate that one potentially usef...
Document similarity search (i.e. query by example) aims to retrieve a ranked list of documents similar to a query document in a text corpus or on the Web. Most existing approaches...
Exhibiting new features and likely related matching techniques to efficiently retrieve images from databases remains an open problem. This paper is first devoted to such a novel d...