Negotiation is a process that ranges from international issues to common society interactions. We present approaches to facilitate the process by exploring alternative spaces for t...
Abstract. In this paper we introduce a new approach to automatic attribute and granularity selection for building optimum regression trees. The method is based on the minimum descr...
Controlled Query Evaluation (CQE) is a logical framework for the protection of secrets in databases. In this article, we extend the CQE framework to possibilistic logic: knowledge ...
In this work, we focus on an improvement of a multi-script handwritting recognition system using a HMM based classifiers combination. The improvement relies on the use of Dempster-...
The classification of remote sensing images performed with different classifiers usually produces different results. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the outputs of ...
Abstract. Nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) is a powerful frequentist statistical framework based only on an exchangeability assumption for future and past observations, mad...
Frank P. A. Coolen, Pauline Coolen-Schrijner, Taha...
We define and study the link prediction problem in bipartite networks, specializing general link prediction algorithms to the bipartite case. In a graph, a link prediction functio...
Our work is a contribution to the model-theoretic study of equality-free fuzzy predicate logics. We give a characterization of elementary equivalence in fuzzy predicate logics usin...
Abstract. Credal sets are closed convex sets of probability mass functions. The lower probabilities specified by a credal set for each element of the power set can be used as cons...
This article proposes knowledge-based short-time prediction methods for multivariate streaming time series, relying on the early recognition of local patterns. A parametric, well-i...