Abstract. Ant Colonies AC optimization take inspiration from the behavior of real ant colonies to solve optimization problems. This paper presents a parallel model for ant colonies...
Abstract. An MPI library, called MPICH-PM/CLUMP, has been implemented on a cluster of SMPs. MPICH-PM/CLUMP realizes zero copy message passing between nodes while using one copy mes...
Toshiyuki Takahashi, Francis O'Carroll, Hiroshi Te...
This paper formalizes the concept of Collective Intelligence (C-I). Application of the Random PROLOG Processor (RPP) has allowed us to model the phenomenon of C-I in social structu...
This paperpresents new resultson anapproach for solvingsatisfiability problems (SAT), that is, creating a logic circuit that is specialized to solve each problem instance on Field ...
Classification is an important problem in the field of data mining. Construction of good classifiers is computationally intensive and offers plenty of scope for parallelization. D...
VLIW machines possibly provide the most direct way to exploit instruction level parallelism; however, they cannot be used to emulate current general-purpose instruction set archit...
Abstract. Conventional performance environments are based on pro ling and event instrumentation. It becomes problematic as parallel systems scale to hundreds of nodes and beyond. A...
Xian-He Sun, Mario Pantano, Thomas Fahringer, Zhao...