Enabling circuit switching in multiprocessor systems has the potential to achieve more efficient communication with lower cost compared to packet/wormhole switching. However, in ...
Shuyi Shao, Yu Zhang, Alex K. Jones, Rami G. Melhe...
Abstract— The use of many distributed, heterogeneous resources as a large collective platform offers great potential. A key issue for these grid platforms is middleware scalabili...
This paper addresses nonclairvoyant and nonpreemptive online job scheduling in Grids. In the applied basic model, the Grid system consists of a large number of identical processor...
Uwe Schwiegelshohn, Andrei Tchernykh, Ramin Yahyap...
Abstract— Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) and pointto-point network fabrics both have their own advantages. MPI middleware implementations typically use one or the other, howe...
NAMD† is a portable parallel application for biomolecular simulations. NAMD pioneered the use of hybrid spatial and force decomposition, a technique now used by most scalable pr...
Abhinav Bhatele, Sameer Kumar, Chao Mei, James C. ...