As high-end computer systems present users with rapidly increasing numbers of processors, possibly also incorporating attached co-processors, programmers are increasingly challeng...
Aniruddha G. Shet, Wael R. Elwasif, Robert J. Harr...
Multicore processors are marking the beginning of a new era of computing where massive parallelism is available and necessary. Slightly slower but easy to parallelize kernels are ...
This paper describes the outcomes of the NSF Grant CNS-0615085: CSR-EHS: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Utilizing an Instruction Register File. We improved promoting instructions ...
The problem of provisioning servers in a cluster infrastructure includes the issues of coordinating access and sharing of physical resources, loading servers with the appropriate ...
Peer-to-Peer overlay networks have proven their efficiency for storing and retrieving data at large scale, but new services are required to take the actual performances of resour...
Olivier Beaumont, Philippe Duchon, Miroslaw Korzen...
Heterogeneous supercomputers with combined general purpose and accelerated CPUs promise to be the future major architecture due to their wideranging generality and superior perfor...
Gossip-based Peer-to-Peer(P2P) streaming has been proved to be an effective and resilient method to stream qualified media contents in dynamic and heterogeneous network environme...
This paper presents an extensive characterization, tuning, and optimization of parallel I/O on the Cray XT supercomputer, named Jaguar, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We have c...