A discrete pushdown timed automaton is a pushdown machine with integer-valued clocks. It has been shown recently that the binary reachability of a discrete pushdown timed automaton...
A fragmentary pattern is a multiset of non-empty strings, and it matches a string w if all the strings in it occur within w without any overlaps. We study some fundamental issues o...
Hideaki Hori, Shinichi Shimozono, Masayuki Takeda,...
Abstract. Graphical features on map, charts, diagrams and graph drawings usually must be annotated with text labels in order to convey their meaning. In this paper we focus on a pr...
Maria Angeles Garrido, Claudia Iturriaga, Alberto ...
We consider the routing for a special type of communication requests, called a multicast, consisting of a fixed source and a multiset of destinations in a wavelength division mult...
We consider a problem faced by train companies: How can trains be assigned to satisfy scheduled routes in a cost efficient way? Currently, many railway companies create solutions b...
Evolutionary trees describing the relationship for a set of species are central in evolutionary biology, and quantifying differences between evolutionary trees is an important tas...
We consider the problem of developing algorithms for the recognition of a fixed pattern within a permutation. These methods are based upon using a carefully chosen chain or tree ...
Michael H. Albert, Robert E. L. Aldred, Mike D. At...