Abstract. Fast algorithms for arithmetic on real or complex polynomials are wellknown and have proven to be not only asymptotically efficient but also very practical. Based on Fas...
Abstract. Correction networks are comparator networks that sort inputs differing from sorted sequences of length N in a small number of positions. The main application of such netw...
Abstract. We present a bit-parallel technique to search a text of length n for a regular expression of m symbols permitting k differences in worst case time O(mn/ logk s), where s...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a Markov chain for sampling a random vector distributed according to a discretized Dirichlet distribution. We show that our Markov chain is rapi...
Given a string x and a language L, the Hamming distance of x to L is the minimum Hamming distance of x to any string in L. The edit distance of a string to a language is analogous...
We propose a new lattice reduction method. Our algorithm approximates shortest lattice vectors up to a factor ≤ (k/6)n/2k and makes use of Grover’s quantum search algorithm. Th...
Let T = (V, E, w) be an undirected and weighted tree with node set V and edge set E, where w(e) is an edge weight function for e ∈ E. The density of a path, say e1, e2, . . . , e...
We consider algorithms for preprocessing labelled lists and trees so that, for any two nodes u and v we can answer queries of the form: What is the mode or median label in the sequ...
This paper introduces quantum “multiple-Merlin”-Arthur proof systems in which Arthur receives multiple quantum proofs that are unentangled with each other. Although classical ...
We consider the problem of characterizing user equilibria and optimal solutions for selfish routing in a given network. We extend the known models by considering malicious behavio...