Systems for sound retrieval are usually “sourcecentred”. This means that retrieval is based on using the proper keywords that define or specify a sound source. Although this t...
A technique for harmonic analysis is presented that partitions a piece of music into contiguous regions and labels each with the key, mode, and functional chord, e.g. tonic, domin...
Rhythmic similarity techniques for audio tend to evaluate how close to identical two rhythms are. This paper proposes a similarity metric based on rhythmic elaboration that matche...
The C-BRAHMS project develops computational methods for content-based retrieval and analysis of music data. A summary of the recent algorithmic and experimental developments of th...
The availability of large music collections calls for ways to efficiently access and explore them. We present a new approach which combines descriptors derived from audio analysi...
Query-by-humming systems attempt to address the needs of the non-expert user, for whom the most natural query format – for the purposes of finding a tune, hook or melody of unk...