A k-triangulation of a convex polygon is a maximal set of diagonals so that no k + 1 of them mutually cross in their interiors. We present a bijection between 2-triangulations of a...
We show that for any closed surface F with χ(F) −4 (or χ(F) −2), there exist graphs that triangulate the torus or the Klein bottle (or the projective plane) and that quadran...
In answer to a question of Andrews about finding combinatorial proofs of two identities in Ramanujan’s “lost” notebook, we obtain weighted forms of Euler’s theorem on part...
We define the notions of successive ranks and generalized Durfee squares for overpartitions. We show how these combinatorial statistics give extensions to overpartitions of combin...
By studying the reciprocity property of linear Diophantine systems in light of Malcev-Neumann series, we present in this paper a new approach to and a generalization of Stanley’s...
Let the k-graph Fank consist of k edges that pairwise intersect exactly in one vertex x, plus one more edge intersecting each of these edges in a vertex different from x. We prov...