■ Representing object position is one of the most critical functions of the visual system, but this task is not as simple as reading off an objectʼs retinal coordinates. A rich...
■ There is an emergent literature suggesting that East Asians and Westerners differ in cognitive processes because of cultural biases to process information holistically (East A...
Michael Wei Liang Chee, Hui Zheng, Joshua Oon Soo ...
■ Changes in brain activity characterizing impaired speech production after brain damage have usually been investigated by comparing aphasic speakers with healthy subjects becau...
■ Several studies report a right hemisphere advantage for visuospatial integration and a left hemisphere advantage for inferring conceptual knowledge from patterns of covariatio...
■ Two experiments investigated the processes underlying the picture superiority effect on recognition memory. Studied pictures were associated with higher accuracy than studied ...
■ Emerging evidence indicates that stimulus novelty is affectively potent and reliably engages the amygdala and other portions of the affective workspace in the brain. Using fun...
■ This study examined neural activity associated with establishing causal relationships across sentences during on-line comprehension. ERPs were measured while participants read...
■ We used fMRI to examine the neural responses that occur during experiences of perceived racial discrimination. Previous neuroimaging studies have focused exclusively on the pr...
Carrie L. Masten, Eva H. Telzer, Naomi I. Eisenber...
■ People often make shortsighted decisions to receive small benefits in the present rather than large benefits in the future, that is, to favor their current selves over their f...
Jason P. Mitchell, Jessica Schirmer, Daniel L. Ame...
■ Native language experience plays a critical role in shaping speech categorization, but the exact mechanisms by which it does so are not well understood. Investigating category...