
163views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Authoring Social-aware Tasks on Active Spaces
: Social-aware computing is an emerging trend based on ubiquitous computing technologies and collaborative work. A successful design demands a better understanding of group tasks, ...
Roberto F. Arroyo, Miguel Gea, José Luis Ga...
122views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
On the Subrecursive Computability of Several Famous Constants
: For any class F of total functions in the set N of the natural numbers, we define the notion of F-computable real number. A real number is called Fcomputable if there exist one-...
Dimiter Skordev
124views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Structure-Based Crawling in the Hidden Web
: The number of applications that need to crawl the Web to gather data is growing at an ever increasing pace. In some cases, the criterion to determine what pages must be included ...
Márcio L. A. Vidal, Altigran Soares da Silv...
104views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Optimal Transit Price Negotiation: The Distributed Learning Perspective
: We present a distributed learning algorithm for optimizing transit prices in the inter-domain routing framework. We present a combined game theoretical and distributed algorithmi...
Dominique Barth, Loubna Echabbi, Chahinez Hamlaoui
130views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Feature Selection for the Classification of Large Document Collections
: Feature selection methods are often applied in the context of document classification. They are particularly important for processing large data sets that may contain millions of...
Janez Brank, Dunja Mladenic, Marko Grobelnik, Nata...
139views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
A Progressive Learning Method for Symbol Recognition
: This paper deals with a progressive learning method for symbol recognition which improves its own recognition rate when new symbols are recognized in graphic documents. We propos...
Sabine Barrat, Salvatore Tabbone
138views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Schema Mappings and Agents' Actions in P2P Data Integration System
: We propose specification of schema mappings and agents' actions in XML data integration task. We discuss the problem in a highly-dynamic environment consisting of a communit...
Grazyna Brzykcy, Jerzy Bartoszek, Tadeusz Pankowsk...
196views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Information Integration for the Masses
Abstract: Information integration applications combine data from heterogeneous sources to assist the user in solving repetitive data-intensive tasks. Currently, such applications r...
Jim Blythe, Dipsy Kapoor, Craig A. Knoblock, Krist...
144views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
New Results on NMAC/HMAC when Instantiated with Popular Hash Functions
Abstract: Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms can provide cryptographically secure authentication services. One of the most popular algorithms in commercial
Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen
132views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Testing Website Usability in Spanish-Speaking Academia through Heuristic Evaluation and Cognitive Walkthroughs
: Although usability evaluations have been focused on assessing different contexts of use, no proper specifications have been addressed towards the particular environment of academ...
María Paula González, Toni Granoller...