Eficient and efiective discovery of resource and knowledge from the Internet has become an imminent research issue, especially with the advent of the Information Super-Highway. A ...
Probabilistic expert systemsbased on Bayesian networks(BNs)require initial specification both a qualitative graphical structure and quantitative assessmentof conditional probabili...
The main objective of machine discovery is the determination of relations between data and of data models. In the paper we describe a method for discovery of data models represent...
One of the central problems in the field of knowledge discovery is the development of good measures of interestingness of discovered patterns. Such measures of interestingness are...
An attribute-oriented rough set method for knowledgediscovery in databases is described. Themethodis based on information generalization, whichexaminesthe data at various levels o...
Ning Shan, Wojciech Ziarko, Howard J. Hamilton, Ni...
Techniques for learning from data typically require data to be in standard form. Measurements must be encoded in a numerical format such as binary true-or-false features, numerica...
V. Seshadri, Raguram Sasisekharan, Sholom M. Weiss