Transformation of both the response variable and the predictors is commonly used in fitting regression models. However, these transformation methods do not always provide the maxi...
For the discovery of similar patterns in 1D time-series, it is very typical to perform a normalization of the data (for example a transformation so that the data follow a zero mea...
Metabolomics is the omics science of biochemistry. The associated data include the quantitative measurements of all small molecule metabolites in a biological sample. These datase...
There is a notable interest in extending probabilistic generative modeling principles to accommodate for more complex structured data types. In this paper we develop a generative ...
Pattern ordering is an important task in data mining because the number of patterns extracted by standard data mining algorithms often exceeds our capacity to manually analyze the...
We propose a new unsupervised learning technique for extracting information from large text collections. We model documents as if they were generated by a two-stage stochastic pro...
Mark Steyvers, Padhraic Smyth, Michal Rosen-Zvi, T...
The goal of this paper is to show that generalizing the notion of support can be useful in extending association analysis to non-traditional types of patterns and non-binary data....
Michael Steinbach, Pang-Ning Tan, Hui Xiong, Vipin...
This paper introduces support envelopes--a new tool for analyzing association patterns--and illustrates some of their properties, applications, and possible extensions. Specifical...
We present and empirically analyze a machine-learning approach for detecting intrusions on individual computers. Our Winnowbased algorithm continually monitors user and system beh...