
142views more  JCT 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Graphs that triangulate a given surface and quadrangulate another surface
We show that for any closed surface F with χ(F) −4 (or χ(F) −2), there exist graphs that triangulate the torus or the Klein bottle (or the projective plane) and that quadran...
Yusuke Suzuki
75views more  COMBINATORICS 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Flexibility of Embeddings of Bouquets of Circles on the Projective Plane and Klein Bottle
In this paper, we study the flexibility of embeddings of bouquets of circles on the projective plane and the Klein bottle. The numbers (of equivalence classes) of embeddings of b...
Yan Yang, Yanpei Liu
88views more  IJCV 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
On the Local Behavior of Spaces of Natural Images
In this study we concentrate on qualitative topological analysis of the local behavior of the space of natural images. To this end, we use a space of 3 by 3 high-contrast patches ...
Gunnar Carlsson, Tigran Ishkhanov, Vin de Silva, A...
57views more  ENDM 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Six-Critical Graphs on the Klein Bottle
Abstract Nathan Chenette Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi Daniel Kr
Nathan Chenette, Luke Postle, Noah Streib, Robin T...