
143views more  MP 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Extending Dantzig's bound to the bounded multiple-class binary Knapsack problem
The bounded multiple-class binary knapsack problem is a variant of the knapsack problem where the items are partitioned into classes and the item weights in each class are a multip...
François Vanderbeck
111views more  EOR 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
A pegging approach to the precedence-constrained knapsack problem
The knapsack problem (KP) is generalized to the case where items are partially ordered through a set of precedence relations. As in ordinary KPs, each item is associated with pro�...
Byungjun You, Takeo Yamada
100views more  DAM 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Partially ordered knapsack and applications to scheduling
In the partially-ordered knapsack problem (POK) we are given a set N of items and a partial order ≺P on N. Each item has a size and an associated weight. The objective is to pac...
Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner
73views more  EOR 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
An exact algorithm for the knapsack sharing problem with common items
We are concerned with a variation of the knapsack problem as well as of the knapsack sharing problem, where we are given a set of n items and a knapsack of a fixed capacity. As us...
Masako Fujimoto, Takeo Yamada
62views more  COR 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Solving the Multidimensional Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem by constructing convex hulls
This paper presents a heuristic to solve the Multidimensional Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem (MMKP), a variant of the classical 0
Md. Mostofa Akbar, Mohammad Sohel Rahman, Mohammad...
14 years 4 months ago
Solving a 2D Knapsack Problem on an Associative Computer Augmented with a Linear Network
This paper describes a parallelization of the sequential dynamic programming method for solving a 2D knapsack problem where multiples of n rectangular objects are optimally packed...
Darrell R. Ulm, Johnnie W. Baker
14 years 4 months ago
Properties of Synthetic Optimization Problems
In this paper, we present an approach for measuring certain properties of synthetic optimization problems based on the assumed distribution of coefficient values. We show how to e...
Charles H. Reilly
14 years 4 months ago
On the complexity and hardness of the steganography embedding problem
We analyze the complexity of the steganography problem and show that the decision version of the problem is NP-complete through transformation from the Knapsack problem. We also g...
Rajarathnam Chandramouli, Shalin P. Trivedi, R. N....
110views Algorithms» more  SODA 2004»
14 years 4 months ago
Probabilistic analysis of knapsack core algorithms
We study the average-case performance of algorithms for the binary knapsack problem. Our focus lies on the analysis of so-called core algorithms, the predominant algorithmic conce...
René Beier, Berthold Vöcking
14 years 4 months ago
The Practice of Approximated Consistency for Knapsack Constraints
Knapsack constraints are a key modeling structure in discrete optimization and form the core of many real-life problem formulations. Only recently, a cost-based filtering algorith...
Meinolf Sellmann