Computer animation has come a long way during the last decade and is now capable of producing near-realistic rendered 3D computer graphics models of expressive, talking, acting hu...
Our goal is to build knowledge-based systems capable of answering a wide variety of questions, including questions that are unanticipated when the knowledge base is built. For sys...
We consider computational issues in combining logical knowledge bases represented by their characteristic models; in particular, we study taking their logical intersection. We pre...
: Whereas sophisticated computer users can exercise more control in what they are exposed to and produce computational artifacts, technologically challenged end-users assume a more...
One of the more controversial recent planning algorithms is the SHOP algorithm, an HTN planning algorithm that plans for tasks in the same order that they are to be executed. SHOP...
Abstract-- We consider a hybrid knowledge representation system for ontological knowledge bases in order to maintain knowledge consistency between taxonomic knowledge and assertion...
A knowledge base is maintained by modifying its conceptual model and by using those modifications to specify changes to its implementation. The maintenance problem is to determine...
When knowledge systems are deployed into a real-world application, then the maintenance and the refinement of the knowledge are essential tasks. Many existing automatic knowledge ...
Abstract. The paradigm of argumentation has been used in the literature to assign meaning to knowledge bases in general, and logic programs in particular. With this paradigm, rules...
We present the latest release of the Ontology Pre-Processor Language, a language for querying and modifying Description Logic knowledge bases expressed in OWL. We briefly describe ...