Although sorts and unary predicates are semantically identical in order-sorted logic, they are classified as different kinds of properties in formal ontology (e.g. sortal and non...
We continue to advocate a methodology that we used earlier for pattern discovery through exhaustive search in selected small domains. This time we apply it to the problem of disco...
We discuss the representation of knowledge and of belief from the viewpoint of decision theory. While the Bayesian approach enjoys general-purpose applicability and axiomatic foun...
There are many examples in the literature that suggest that indistinguishability is intransitive, despite the fact that the indistinguishability relation is typically taken to be ...
Practical description logic systems play an ever-growing role for knowledge representation and reasoning research even in distributed environments. In particular, the often-discus...
One of the major advances in classical planning has been the development of Graphplan. Graphplan builds a layered structure called the planning graph, and then searches this struc...
To support commonsense reasoning about space, we require a qualitative calculus of spatial entities and their relations. One requirement for such a calculus, which has not so far ...
This paper deals with preference representation and elicitation in the context of multiattribute utility theory under risk. Assuming the decision maker behaves according to the EU...