The causal logic from (Bochman 2003b) is shown to provide a natural logical basis for logic programming. More exactly, it is argued that any logic program can be seen as a causal ...
This article provides an experimental analysis of the possibilistic handling of default rules. Three different nonmonotonic consequence relations are considered: minimum specifici...
The Halo Pilot, a six-month effort to evaluate the state-ofthe-art in applied Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) systems, collaboratively developed a taxonomy of failure...
Noah S. Friedland, Paul G. Allen, Michael J. Witbr...
Causation is defined recursively: event e is the cause of condition φ in context c iff e is the only sufficient cause of φ in c, and removing e from c either removes φ from c...
While universal plans tell a system how to reach a goal regardless of what state it is in, such plans can be too large to represent. Hybrid systems execute plans where each action...
We consider Dung’s argumentation framework, in which an argument system consists of a set of arguments and a binary relation between arguments representing the notion of a con...