Abstract. This paper describes a method for labelling structural parts of a musical piece. Existing methods for the analysis of piece structure often name the parts with musically ...
Labels effectively convey co-referential relations between textual and visual elements and are a powerful tool to support learning tasks. Therefore, almost all illustrations in sc...
In multi-label learning, each training example is associated with a set of labels and the task is to predict the proper label set for the unseen example. Due to the tremendous (ex...
In an object recognition scenario with tens of thousands of categories, even a small number of labels per category leads to a very large number of total labels required. We propose...
Mandatory Access Control (MAC) implementations in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) have focused solely on Multilevel Security (MLS). MLS has posed a number of challe...
Clustering the results of a search helps the user to overview the information returned. In this paper, we regard the clustering task as indexing the search results. Here, an index...
The paper describes a novel technique to visualize graphs with extended node and link labels. The lengths of these labels range from a short phrase to a full sentence to an entire...
Pak Chung Wong, Patrick Mackey, Ken Perrine, James...
In this paper, we consider a map labeling problem to maximize the number of independent labels in the plane. We first investigate the point labeling model that each label can be ...
—In hybrid Optical/packet networks, wavelength and VLAN tag continuity along a Label Switched Path are two common constraints. These two types of constraints, referred to as Gene...
This paper describes the design of a peer-to-peer network that supports integrity and confidentiality labeling of shared data. A notion of data ownership privacy is also enforced...
Nathalie Tsybulnik, Kevin W. Hamlen, Bhavani M. Th...