
101views Languages» more  DLS 2005»
14 years 5 months ago
Flexible object encapsulation for ambient-oriented programming
In the emerging field of Ambient Intelligence (AmI), software is deployed in wireless open networks of mobile devices. Such open networks require stringent security measures as u...
Wolfgang De Meuter, Éric Tanter, Stijn Most...
176views Languages» more  DLS 2005»
14 years 5 months ago
Dynamic data polyvariance using source-tagged classes
The DDP (Demand-driven/Pruning) analysis algorithm allows us to perform data-flow analyses of programming languages that are dynamically typed and have higher-order control flow...
S. Alexander Spoon, Olin Shivers
159views Languages» more  PROPOR 2010»
14 years 6 months ago
An Open-Source Speech Recognizer for Brazilian Portuguese with a Windows Programming Interface
Abstract. This work is part of the effort to develop a speech recognition system for Brazilian Portuguese. The resources for the training and test stages of this system, such as c...
Patrick Silva, Pedro Batista, Nelson Neto, Aldebar...
121views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Symbol Grounding Through Cumulative Learning
Abstract. We suggest that the primary motivation for an agent to construct a symbol-meaning mapping is to solve a task. The meaning space of an agent should be derived from the tas...
Samarth Swarup, Kiran Lakkaraju, Sylvian R. Ray, L...
124views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
How Grammar Emerges to Dampen Combinatorial Search in Parsing
Abstract. According to the functional approach to language evolution (inspired by cognitive linguistics and construction grammar), grammar arises to deal with issues in communicati...
Luc Steels, Pieter Wellens
154views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Unify and Merge in Fluid Construction Grammar
Research into the evolution of grammar requires that we employ formalisms and processing mechanisms that are powerful enough to handle features found in human natural languages. Bu...
Luc Steels, Joachim De Beule
126views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Cross-Situational Learning: A Mathematical Approach
Abstract. We present a mathematical model of cross-situational learning, in which we quantify the learnability of words and vocabularies. We find that high levels of uncertainty ar...
Kenny Smith, Andrew D. M. Smith, Richard A. Blythe...
156views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
The Human Speechome Project
The Human Speechome Project is an effort to observe and computationally model the longitudinal course of language development for a single child at an unprecedented scale. The ide...
Deb Roy, Rupal Patel, Philip DeCamp, Rony Kubat, M...
138views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Utility for Communicability by Profit and Cost of Agreement
The inflection of words based on agreement, such as number, gender and case, is considered to contribute to clarify the dependency between words in a sentence. Our purpose in this ...
Ryuichi Matoba, Makoto Nakamura, Satoshi Tojo
118views Languages» more  EELC 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Lexicon Convergence in a Population With and Without Metacommunication
How does a shared lexicon arise in population of agents with differing lexicons, and how can this shared lexicon be maintained over multiple generations? In order to get some insig...
Zoran Macura, Jonathan Ginzburg