This paper describes an environment for supporting very large ontologies. The system can be used on single PCs, workstations, a cluster of workstations, and high-end parallel supe...
Kilian Stoffel, Merwyn G. Taylor, James A. Hendler
The quality of ontologies (QoO) is increasingly becoming a research issue on the Semantic Web. Ontology users may have difficulties locating the proper concepts in large ontologie...
Modularity is a key requirement for large ontologies in order to achieve re-use, maintainability, and evolution. Mechanisms for ‘normalisation’ to achieve analogous aims are s...
Abstract. The increasing awareness of the benefits of ontologies for information processing has lead to the creation of a number of large ontologies about real world domains. The ...
Understanding and maintaining the structure of large ontologies is a cognitively demanding task. Visualizations are commonly used as a cognitive aid for presenting large ontologie...